Pre heat the oven to 180°C, Gas 4
Heat the oil in a pan and add the onions. Cook for 10 minutes until golden and softened. Meanwhile, place the meats into a large bowl and mix in the oregano, cinnamon and chilli flakes. Add the breadcrumbs, egg, parsley and pepper, mix well
Once the onions are ready, add to the meat mixture and mix well again
Spoon half the mixture into a 2lb non-stick loaf tin and flatten well
Place 3 whole hard boiled eggs along the top and then pile the rest of the meat mixture over the eggs, pat down. Cover with 2 layers of oiled foil and secure around the tin
Place onto a baking tray (to catch any fat that may come out) and pop into the oven. Cook for about 1 hour, or until the juices run clear once a knife is inserted
Once cooked, carefully remove from the oven and cool. Once cool press lightly by placing a thick piece of cardboard on top of the foil, then balance a couple of cans on top
Pop into the fridge and chill overnight. Remove from the tin, slice and wrap in clean foil or cling film. Keep in the fridge until ready to eat or take on picnic
© Phil Vickery